18" Bronze Replica of "A Statue of Nikola Tesla in the Silicon Valley"
The 18" bronze replica for four different angles. The replica holds all the fine detail of the 7-foot statue
The bronze replicas started with an aerospace 3D scan of my 7ft clay sculpture. Then an 18" rapid prototype was created from the 3D data. The rapid prototype was used for the lost-wax bronze casting of these pieces. The detail and quality of these replicas are amazing.
18-inch Bronze Replicas are Available
The limited edition of 35 signed and numbered, 18 inch tall, bronze replicas are available. We originally cast 10 signed and numbered of which two are still available. After these two are sold we may recast by pre-order up to the edition cap.
18" Bronze Replica of "A Statue of Nikola Tesla in the Silicon Valley"
18x7x6" silicon bronze First Casting #1 thru #10 – SOLD OUT
Dorrian Porter, Northern Imagination, aligning the freshly cast 18" Teslas, before patina, to compose his own photograph. Possible patina samples are on the board to the right.
Tesla 18-inch cast bronze replicas got their patina on Monday, November 4, 2013 at Artworks Foundry in Berkeley
Small Resin Versions also Available
High quality 6.5 inch resin replica's of the Tesla Statue in Silicon Valley can be purchased directly from Northern Imagination for $33 at http://www.teslastatue.com/collections/all/