"Fumette Standing"
after a James Abbott McNeill Whistler Etching
About "Fumette Standing"
"Fumette Standing" 1859 etching
by J. A. M. Whistler
This oil painting evolved by exploring the possibility of translating the strong personality of Whistler's mid-1800's model Eloise, a modiste, from Whistler's etching of her "Fumette Standing".
Among the other grisettes, in the Paris garden where dancing went on and where Whistler met her – they called her the tigresse.
"Fumette Standing"
after a James Abbott McNeill Whistler Etching
40x25.5" oil on linen, includes custom frame – Available $ 9,500
"Fumette Standing" after a James Abbott McNeill Whistler Etching, 40x25.5" oil on linen